Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Pulled - Amy Lichtenhan (A.L. Jackson)

"I wanted to shield from this man the hurt that invaded every fiber of my body. I wanted to protect him from the envy that flowed through me, infecting my heart, my mind, and my very soul. I struggled to pretend I did not covet what I could not have, but I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I turned away to spare him my reaction, one I had tried in vain to contain, ashamed of the jealously ravaging me."

There is no better way to describe this book than it being a big ball of heart ache.

I literally cried my heart out with this book. Because I was kinda depressed, I was looking for something emotional and heart wrenching. Well, this book gave it to me. The book summed up what I was feeling at the moment. Inadequate, broken and numb. 

The author is the queen of angst and gut wrenching books I swear! 

The story is narrated in alternating views of Daniel and Melanie. Watch out readers, because I am pretty sure that you will want to shake Melanie to wake up and stop prolonging their agony.

I read this fast and quick because I couldn't take Daniel's pain and longing anymore. It was so frustrating. 

However, there is just one wish that should have been in the book, that they also get to deal with Stephanie and what she did to them. 

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