Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Worth The Fight (Accidentally on Purpose # 3) - L.D. Davis

“I'm not sure which part bothers me the most, the fact that you've been lying for months or the fact that you thought I was too simple minded to see what was going on. I can't count how many times you've lied about where you were or who you were with, or the times that you climbed into my bed still reeking of him. How many times have I kissed you and your mind was with him? I've given you opportunity after opportunity to come clean, but you never did.”

This is book 3 of the Accidentally on Purpose series.

Book 1 was narrated in Emmy’s view. Book 2 is about the dangerous and alpha male Kyle Sterling. While the last book is in Luke Kessler’s view.

This is my much awaited book in the series as I’ve always wanted to understand what was in the mind of Luke while all the  sh**storm was happening.

The book started out with the most poignant part in book 1. It is the part where my heart broke the most.

Although I’ve already read the story in the previous books I didn't feel bored that I'm reading the same thing. It still feels brand new and it was so refreshing to get inside Luke’s mind. I understood him more and I loved him better. There were also new scenes in this book that added to the beauty of this series. My heart broke and felt full of love once again.

I will really miss this series but I am also excited to read Donya's story. I have a hunch on the man she's pining for, and it certainly feels forbidden.

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