Monday, March 17, 2014

Transcendence - Shay Savage

“I will provide for her. I will protect her. I will give her anything she wants.” 

I was hesitant at first to read this book. I was a bit weirded out because this is a story that transcends time. It's a caveman story and I was thinking that it's not for me. But lo and behold I've been reading good reviews about the book at Goodreads. So I had to read it.

This book is so different from any other book yet so refreshing. I couldn't help but feel the pure unadulterated love of Ehd to Beh. It really is pure love without the modern complications and I can't help but gush how beautiful it is, the writing enabled the readers to feel it.

There were moments were I felt lost because I couldn't understand Beh and there were times were I felt the story was too long. I also would have wanted to read Beh's view. But all these reservations vanished when I reached the end because I felt that despite all these, reading this book is so worth it. I really loved the ending. I especially loved the last part where the situation was explained.

There were also many parts that cracked me up. Getting inside Ehd's mind is like watching a romantic comedy. He's so funny yet so romantic at the same time. It was also arousing without needing too much details and kink.

This book is highly recommended. This book reminded me of The Notebook because of the love of the couple that have no bounds, so like Ehd and Beh's love for each other.

Reparation - Sawyer Bennett (Legal Affairs Volume 5)

This volume is all happiness and giddiness.  I've started to love Matt in this volume.  Mac of course is still lovable.  I love them as a couple more! I'm sensing the angst in the next volume though. And as you know as soon as this volume came out I had to have it right away. I wish it was longer though. 

Shelter You - Alice Montalvo-Tribue

“I know that she’s the kind of complication I wouldn’t trade for the world.” 

I finished this book with a happy heart. It's light with minimal angst yet so heartfelt. It was such an easy read and I finished it in less than a day. This is a completed story and it's not part of a series. It's so refreshing to read a book that doesn't have a cliffhanger. 

This is a story about a teenage mom and how she fought her way in life. Dealt with a cold and cynical upbringing, she finds her way on her own. Her journey is so painful yet so beautiful that one might think it doesn't happen in real life. But this book will inspire you and will make you believe that something like what happened in the book can indeed happen in real life. 

Another plus is that I loved both the hero and heroine. Logan is such a beautiful soul. He was patient and he knew how to push Mia's buttons. While Mia is so unassuming of her strength. Yes there was an instance where her problem could have been resolved easily had she communicated it but then I understood where the writer was coming from, she took into consideration Mia's maturity.

I really loved both characters together, I love their interactions and how they thread around each other. I loved Logan's family. They are such good persons.

This is my first book of Alice Montalvo and I can honestly say that this is not the last. I'm looking forward to more of her books.

Her Master's Courtesan - Lily White

"I wanted him to make me his whore. I wanted him to fuck me like no man ever had. I wasn’t a virgin and I wasn’t new to the touch of man."

“I am, in no way, a good man. I do not want love. I do not want kindness.”

I honestly don't know what to feel after reading this book. Although I know that I am appalled and disgusted, more importantly I know that I am still in shock over what I read. This is the darkest book I have read so far and I am not sure I can fathom another. This book is very hard to read and is definitely not for the faint of heart.

From the very start I already felt that  Aiden is a monster. But I wasn't ready to learn was the gravity of it. It was really hard to stomach. He is vile to the bones and he is a coward for not accepting his feelings.

While the heroine depicts confusing actions and I couldn't figure out if she's liking the abuse or rebelling against it. I also felt that she broke down and submitted so easily. I felt her attraction to him. I wanted him to love her. But I just couldn't get over the fact that he is allowing disgusting things to her. To let another man take her and abuse her. I also felt her go numb and become broken. I felt her pain and how strong she is. Her one true strength is not losing hope. I wanted something to happen to her, probably be hospitalized or something towards the end to help Aiden realize her worth because I really felt her pain.

This is really different from the dark romance that I've read because there's not even a pinch of arousing emotions in it. What it is highly disturbing. And what's worse is that the heroine seems to be liking the abuse despite her weak protests.

Story reminds of the Dark Duet series but add 100% disturbing, 100% gross and 100% revulsion, violence, abuse and complete and total mind fuckery all rolled into this book. I couldn't feel any attraction.

The story has a very dark and heavy subject. And although I feel awful about the story, it was still written well. The monster is truly a Master at his craft. For a minute there I was almost brain washed as well that there is a love story somewhere. I almost felt what the heroine felt. Confused and jaded.

Readers beware because this is not a love story. This is about abuse, violence,  manipulation and revenge. You will get manipulated and tricked but it will still compel you to finish the book. But in the end, after all the mind fuck, I was still left confused because I didn't know if it was a happy ending or not.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Book Review: Mitigation (Legal Affairs Vol. 4) - Sawyer Bennett

I hope to God it is just anger speaking when he says, “No skin off my back. You’re not the only game in town.”

I hold my ground but soften my voice. “I denied you nothing, Matt. I simply asked for more

Another incredibly sexy volume of this series. Once a volume is out, I cannot help but grab it and read it ASAP! This is the continuation of Mac and Matt's story. 

I'm feeling good about the flow of the story. It's light, it's refreshing and so exciting to read. I really liked the heroine and I still want to shake the hero. There were many heart breaking scenes in the story. My heart broke repeatedly for Mac. I'm feeling good about the ending, they are at a good place and I can't wait to read the next volume coming out on March 7, 2014.


Book Review: Stolen Grace - Arianne Richmonde

"Thank God for even the smallest thing you own in your life because these people don’t even have that.”

"Sometimes you’re not aware of what you have till you’ve lost it. Things can slip away from you like sand running through your fingers."

Told in alternating views of the whole family, including the 5 year old kid Grace.

The start was already heart breaking. You can feel the cracks and the crumbling of a marriage.

However somewhere along the way the feel of the story became like a crime/mystery novel. Somewhere the heart breaking scenes fell through and it felt like a crime movie.

I also got a bit frustrated with the heroine because her trust issues are a bit overbearing.

There were also scenes where I felt there was too much descriptions and I kinda skimmed through it.

I was expecting to cry to the story but I didn't feel it. I was expecting more of the couple talking about their issues. Perhaps more of the back story of what started their marriage issues. Also more of Ruth/Sara's back story. And perhaps see her punished in a way but then I get that the theme of the story is forgiveness and letting go of past hurts and to really move on.

The story was unique and different but I would've preferred if it ended on a definitive state as I still have so many questions left.

This is also my first to read through the mind of a five year old. It was funny and refreshing.

What broke my heart was the situation of the abandoned kids. What I liked about this book is how it compels you to help out and appreciate the little things we take for granted.

This book is recommended to those who love both heartbreaking and crime/mystery type of stories.

Book Review: Coming Home - Priscilla Glenn

"She wasn’t angry at him; it wasn’t his fault if he wasn’t interested in her that way. In fact, it was something she had sort of suspected all along."

“I don’t mind a little disappointment now and then. It just means you’ve got high standards. I’d rather shoot high and be disappointed sometimes than just live in the middle with the illusion of being satisfied."

“It’s hard to watch someone you care about suffer. But when you love someone, you do it. You do it without question or reservation. You do it because there’s no other option—because the thought of being without them is a hundred times more excruciating than bearing their burden.”

I cannot gush enough how I loved the heroine Leah. I loved her, I like her character, her patience, her strength, her thought process. She is the perfect heroine for the elusive hero, Danny.

From their first interaction, I already felt their connection. I loved their banter and interactions.

I also felt giddy about Danny. He's like the perfect gentleman. I also felt his compassion and strength of character. But there were moments when I really wanted to shake Danny so many times. My heart broke for Leah over and over again with all the back and forth.

The whole time I was reading this book it felt like a breath of fresh air for me. The story was feel good with moderate angst. There were lots of sweetness and love. There wasn't too much details in the love scenes but you will still feel the love from the characters.

This book is highly recommended to those who love heart felt and somewhat light stories.

Book Review: The Plan - Qwen Salsbury

“You mean beyond the obvious drawbacks of being involved with a self-proclaimed and unapologetic asshole?” 

I'm not quiet sure how I feel about the book. Yes, it is a sexy and funny office romance story. But I couldn't really connect to it. Normally I enjoy stories like this, however for this one there were parts when I couldn't really get the flow. There were parts that were cut and clipped which leaves the scenes on the readers interpretation.

But to be fair with the book, when I started it I almost stopped at about 30% but I wanted to give it a chance so I continued reading and I actually enjoyed it especially when the main characters started interacting. I liked Emma and Alaric together. I liked how their feelings developed. I would've much rather appreciated it if the scenes were played out and there were more conversations.

While there were scenes that were clipped, there were also scenes that have too much descriptions and I've kinda skimmed through it. Though my feelings for this book are half and half, I would still read more of Alaric and Emma should a sequel to the book is released. I would love to get to know more of the sexy Alaric and more of his inner thoughts as we weren't given that opportunity in this book. I loved Alaric especially during the latter part of the story.

This book is recommended to those who love light and funny stories. There were zero angst in this book, though there were heart pinching moments, but it is short lived. There are also sexy parts that the readers will enjoy.