Thursday, April 10, 2014

Room for You - Beth Ehemann

This book is perfect to be read after going through a very emotional story. It’s light, refreshing, though not free of angst though minimal, the story will make you feel good leave your heart happy.

I fell in love with Brody and the Twinkies, Kacie not so much, maybe in the next book I might learn to like her. Though I understand her damage, I didn’t love her for repeatedly running away. But I loved how Brody can be so persistent. He made up for what Kacie is lacking. I would have appreciated more interactions from Brody and the Twinkies, hopefully in book 2. I also loved the secondary characters, Gigi, Alexa, Lauren, Fred and even Brody's family.

I liked how this book delved on both the views of Brody and Kacie and how the chapters were short. I read it all in a day because I couldn’t put it down. I’m expecting more angst in the next because of the cliffy ending.

There are two books in this series but I’m not immediately moving on to the next as I tend to get bored when I read consecutive sequels. I will be reading a mind f**k type of book first before I read book 2 because this series gives my heart a breather and it is a feel good type of story.  

Against All Odds - Angie Mckeon

“We share a reckless, toxic love that feeds the brokenness in me, in us. Our love is an addiction. A love that I won’t ever consider living without.”

Well, the story is really quite heavy. It’s filled with angst, heartbreak, regret and disappointments. I was particularly hooked to read this because I was feeling quite down when I started the book and I wanted something to escape and release the heaviness in my heart. Well, angst wise this book did not disappoint. For the entirety of the book I was feeling the heaviness and the drama.

However, while the book is very interesting and appealing and it was a good start for a debut novel, there were still minor improvements needed on my viewpoint. For me as a reader, I don’t have problems with drama but I felt that it was too much when  I  was  reading  Cooper’s  view. I am unable to fully grasp the source of his issues; I didn't understand their need for torture. I also felt that the intensity and the intimacy of the conversations between Cooper and Grayson don’t quite fit the male characters. It was too deep and profound for men, I’m not saying that men should be incapable of emotions; it’s just that I preferred an alpha male type for these two hot characters.

I'm not a big fan of Kylie. I didn't like how she handled her marriage issues. I get her pain but I really can't fathom how immature she reacted. She already knew how her actions affected cooper but she still continued with her selfish ways. She keeps too many but at the same time so full of platitudes. I didn't understand her self-destructive ways.

I'm also having mixed emotions about Grayson. I was thinking he was more of the alpha male type as a best fit for his character, however I couldn't understand how obsessive he became, it just doesn't add up. But still I'm drawn to him and I want to read his story.

While I'm not particularly fond of story lines and issues focused on miscommunications, I liked how Cooper and Kylie evolved from that state into something beautiful. I liked how things picked up after all the destruction. 

This book is recommended to those who enjoyed Arsen and to those who love highly emotional stories and marriage issues. Despite having minor issues, this debut novel is worth reading. If you want something to make you feel, if you want to cry and breakdown but couldn't, give this book a try and you will instantly feel that pinch in the heart.

Book Quote: Come To Me Quietly

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Book Quote: Maybe Someday

Maybe Someday - Colleen Hoover

"I’m convinced that people come across others in life whose souls are completely compatible with their own. Some refer to them as soul mates. Some refer to it as true love. Some people believe their souls are compatible with more than one person, and I’m beginning to understand how true that might be. "

The story is so heart felt and heartbreaking. The attraction, the longing, the regret is there, but more importantly the pure and unadulterated feelings will smack you right in the face. Ridge and Sydney's story started and ended so beautifully. But not without struggles and trials. My heart was in such a crunch throughout the whole book.

I loved the heroine, Sydney. She is resilient, caring and lovable. I loved how she kept an open mind. I may not agree with one decision she made in the book, when she stayed at a hotel at his expense, because I pegged her to be a strong heroine. I wanted her to show him that she can stand on her own. Because really that part was a shitty move for Ridge.  

However, I also loved Ridge. His heart is pure and kind. He doesn't have a mean bone in him. Both he and Sydney are perfect for each other because they have a heart of gold. He has some unwise decisions but not entirely, as the heart wants what the heart wants and he has no control over it.

The secondary characters are lovely as well, the driven Maggie, the funny Warren and the elusive Brennan. Because I have a massive hangover of Sydney and Ridge, I would like to request the author for sequels to this story through the secondary characters so that the readers can still catch up with all of them.

This book is one of the most beautiful love stories I've read so far. The love, pain, regret and hope is felt. There were no detailed love scenes necessary. The words that are oh so beautiful is enough. I wasn't able to put it down and had one sleepless night all for the love of Colleen Hoover's books!

There is a twist in the story that left my mouth hanging open. I got confused with it early on because I couldn't believe it. And because of it, the story became beautifully distinct from the other musically inclined love stories. Because of that twist, this story will definitely stay in my heart for a very long time.

I listened to the album as well and it was brilliant and it made me love the story all the more.

Ricochet - Krista and Becca Ritchie

“I love you,” he says again, “and no other man will ever say those words and mean them the way I do.”

“You don't make me miserable. You make me want to live. And I want to live with you.” 

“I want to love Lo without people telling me that our love is too much.”

This is the sequel to the Addicted series. The story picks up soon after Addicted To You. It narrates how Lily learned to cope by herself. The book features flashbacks of Lily and Lo when they were young. We also get to read more of the secondary characters, especially Ryke and Daisy.

There were some dull parts but then immediately after that chapter, the story picks right back up. I cried for Lily during her breakdown, I felt connected with her at this time and I learned to understand her even more. I also understood more about Lo and Lily's need for each other.

This novella ended right before the next book picks up. And there's a bonus chapter at the end. But I think I wouldn't be starting it soon. I just feel like I need to take a breather from their tumultuous story. I'll get right back to it as soon as I get off this reading funk.


Addicted To You - Book 1 - This is about Lily and Lo
Ricochet - Book 1.5 This is about Lily and Lo but we get to meet Ryke and Daisy
Addicted For Now - Book 2 This is about Lily and Lo again
Kiss The Sky - Book 2.1 This is about Rose and Connor
Hothouse Flower - Book 2.2 This is about Daisy and Ryke
Thrive - Book 2.5 I'm not sure if this will focus on Lily and Lo
Addicted After All - Book 3 - I'm not sure if this will focus on all 3 couples

Book Quotes: Lovely Trigger - R.K. Lilley

I loved this photo quote! I saw this on Book Avenue's Facebook page. This will be my next book to read.

I feel this most of the time!!!


This made my day. I just saw it on Facebook.

Coming Soon: Legal Affairs - Confessions of a Litigation God

I haven't read the last book of the Legal Affairs series yet but I'm already itching to get hold of this book. I love Matt!!! I can't wait!!!

The King - J.R. Ward

I am excited to read this. Even though I didn't get to read all of the books in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, I think I only finished until book 2, but I liked Wrath and Beth in book 1. Paranormal romance is not my typical genre as it doesn't hold my attention that long. I usually get bummed and bored with it. But this book I will definitely make an exception. I love the blind king! Plus look at the hot cover, it's eye catching and it's the perfect depiction of Wrath.

Addicted To You - Krista and Becca Ritchie

“I know what you want, and you don't need to take it. I can give it to you.”

“I'll always be yours.No distance or time apart will change that,Lily.” 

From the start I have already felt the connection between the characters. I felt that something broken is hidden in their facade. But the I also knew that some beautiful deep feelings lurk deep inside them that they couldn't admit outright. They are damaged to the core but I believed in them and I learned to love both the hero and heroine.

I was actually quiet bothered about the first half of the book on how destructive their relationship is. I can't fathom how well they've hidden it. I mean if the family really cares about them, they would know sooner if not later that something is amiss.

I felt scared for them. I was constantly on alert waiting for something bad to happen seeing that they were both enabling each other's addiction.

It's amazing how when I was reading through the sex scenes,  it felt dirtier when she was doing it with others.  But with Lo, wow it wasn't even dirty and erotic,  it was love and you actually feel it. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love Lo, more than Lily to be honest.

Because of the heavy subject matter, throughout reading the book and experiencing their struggles, I felt like crying for them. My heart was in a constant anxiety waiting for destruction. And when rock bottom had been reached but they still couldn't get admit they needed help I felt like hugging them and I wanted to make them feel alright.

And of course the ending literally brought me tears. I will not dwell on it much but it was the ultimate blow to my breaking heart.

This book makes you aware that addiction is a disease. It shouldn't be taken lightly. Those afflicted need help and understanding,  not condemnation.

I would also like to commend the author for writing likable secondary characters that were supportive, except for some few rotten apples.

This book is highly recommended to those who loved Find You in the Dark series.