Saturday, April 5, 2014

Addicted To You - Krista and Becca Ritchie

“I know what you want, and you don't need to take it. I can give it to you.”

“I'll always be yours.No distance or time apart will change that,Lily.” 

From the start I have already felt the connection between the characters. I felt that something broken is hidden in their facade. But the I also knew that some beautiful deep feelings lurk deep inside them that they couldn't admit outright. They are damaged to the core but I believed in them and I learned to love both the hero and heroine.

I was actually quiet bothered about the first half of the book on how destructive their relationship is. I can't fathom how well they've hidden it. I mean if the family really cares about them, they would know sooner if not later that something is amiss.

I felt scared for them. I was constantly on alert waiting for something bad to happen seeing that they were both enabling each other's addiction.

It's amazing how when I was reading through the sex scenes,  it felt dirtier when she was doing it with others.  But with Lo, wow it wasn't even dirty and erotic,  it was love and you actually feel it. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love Lo, more than Lily to be honest.

Because of the heavy subject matter, throughout reading the book and experiencing their struggles, I felt like crying for them. My heart was in a constant anxiety waiting for destruction. And when rock bottom had been reached but they still couldn't get admit they needed help I felt like hugging them and I wanted to make them feel alright.

And of course the ending literally brought me tears. I will not dwell on it much but it was the ultimate blow to my breaking heart.

This book makes you aware that addiction is a disease. It shouldn't be taken lightly. Those afflicted need help and understanding,  not condemnation.

I would also like to commend the author for writing likable secondary characters that were supportive, except for some few rotten apples.

This book is highly recommended to those who loved Find You in the Dark series.

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