Saturday, April 5, 2014

Ricochet - Krista and Becca Ritchie

“I love you,” he says again, “and no other man will ever say those words and mean them the way I do.”

“You don't make me miserable. You make me want to live. And I want to live with you.” 

“I want to love Lo without people telling me that our love is too much.”

This is the sequel to the Addicted series. The story picks up soon after Addicted To You. It narrates how Lily learned to cope by herself. The book features flashbacks of Lily and Lo when they were young. We also get to read more of the secondary characters, especially Ryke and Daisy.

There were some dull parts but then immediately after that chapter, the story picks right back up. I cried for Lily during her breakdown, I felt connected with her at this time and I learned to understand her even more. I also understood more about Lo and Lily's need for each other.

This novella ended right before the next book picks up. And there's a bonus chapter at the end. But I think I wouldn't be starting it soon. I just feel like I need to take a breather from their tumultuous story. I'll get right back to it as soon as I get off this reading funk.


Addicted To You - Book 1 - This is about Lily and Lo
Ricochet - Book 1.5 This is about Lily and Lo but we get to meet Ryke and Daisy
Addicted For Now - Book 2 This is about Lily and Lo again
Kiss The Sky - Book 2.1 This is about Rose and Connor
Hothouse Flower - Book 2.2 This is about Daisy and Ryke
Thrive - Book 2.5 I'm not sure if this will focus on Lily and Lo
Addicted After All - Book 3 - I'm not sure if this will focus on all 3 couples

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