Thursday, March 6, 2014

Book Review: The Plan - Qwen Salsbury

“You mean beyond the obvious drawbacks of being involved with a self-proclaimed and unapologetic asshole?” 

I'm not quiet sure how I feel about the book. Yes, it is a sexy and funny office romance story. But I couldn't really connect to it. Normally I enjoy stories like this, however for this one there were parts when I couldn't really get the flow. There were parts that were cut and clipped which leaves the scenes on the readers interpretation.

But to be fair with the book, when I started it I almost stopped at about 30% but I wanted to give it a chance so I continued reading and I actually enjoyed it especially when the main characters started interacting. I liked Emma and Alaric together. I liked how their feelings developed. I would've much rather appreciated it if the scenes were played out and there were more conversations.

While there were scenes that were clipped, there were also scenes that have too much descriptions and I've kinda skimmed through it. Though my feelings for this book are half and half, I would still read more of Alaric and Emma should a sequel to the book is released. I would love to get to know more of the sexy Alaric and more of his inner thoughts as we weren't given that opportunity in this book. I loved Alaric especially during the latter part of the story.

This book is recommended to those who love light and funny stories. There were zero angst in this book, though there were heart pinching moments, but it is short lived. There are also sexy parts that the readers will enjoy.

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