Monday, December 2, 2013

Horrorscape Series by Nenia Campbell

Fearscape (Horrorscape #1)
“People only picked the pretty, sweet-smelling flowers. The ones with thorns were left alone.” 

Horrorscape (Horrorscape #2)
“Conquest was not satisfying if it began with a surrender.” 

Terrorscape (Horrorscape #3)
“Hatred is about possession. It is all-consuming, cruel, and vainglorious. When love is allowed to fester, it becomes twisted and corrupt; it settles deep in the heart...and metastasizes, sending its dark roots through the body to raze all that stands in its way. Love is chaste and pure. Love is banal....No, hatred has infinitely more possibilities.”

I've decided to review this series altogether as I have read it sequentially. It took a long time for me to finish this as I got into a book funk halfway through it. However, I still really wanted to finish it because I felt I owe it that much. Though it’s not really the typical genre that I favor, but I was drawn to it, much like how I was drawn to the characters.

The series is dark, mysterious and interesting. It’s different and I haven’t read anything like it recently. Told in third person alternating views of various characters such as Val, Gavin, James and Lisa among others, this book is about sick and twisted game of pursuit.

One of the things I liked about the series is that the author was successful in building up the character of Gavin because the readers find him dangerous but still hot. It's wrong to like him as he is portrayed as a sick and twisted sociopath, but his weirdness and mind f*ck attitude is what captures the attention. The readers will fell what Val is feeling, the attraction and arousal to someone dangerous and lethal.

However, as I said earlier I got into a book funk as the story was slow paced and I felt that there were many scenes that weren't really vital to the story. Book 1 detailed how Val and Gavin met, how their attraction grew, how their connection was forged as well as how it was broken and how the fear was planted. Then Book 2 is all about the much delayed gratification, the cat and mouse chase, the prey and predator wild hunt.
Only then in Book 3 is when the chase came to an end. And then I felt relieved for the very long roller coaster ride.

Another thing I liked about the series is that it was written in a fade to black style where there are questions left unanswered and unconfirmed. But it was brilliant because it left things to the reader's imagination.

In the end what Val felt for Gavin was exactly what I felt for this book. I didn't like some parts because I felt there was too much details but yet I was captivated.

This book is recommended to those who love mystery and thriller love stories.

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