Sunday, November 24, 2013

Asylum Series by Lauren Hammond - Insanity, White Walls and Beautiful Nightmares

Insanity (Asylum #1)

“I just want you to know that you are my sun, my moon, and my stars. My heaven, my hell, and my earth. I’d do anything for you. I’d go anywhere for you. If you ever left me, I’d follow you.”

White Walls (Asylum #2)

“Beauty is only skin deep but evil cuts straight through the soul.”

Beautiful Nightmares (Asylum #3)

“I've been cut down, destroyed, and demolished. Someone once told me that the human mind is like a temple. A sound structure. Compiled by bricks, cement, and straw."

What a book. What a story.

I read three books in the Asylum series in a day. Aside from the fact that the story is a total mind-f*ck, it also brings out a whole lot of emotions. You get to feel the sadness, disappointment, numbness, the rage and love from both the story and the characters. You also get to be inside the mind of somebody who's delusional and on the brink of crazy and insanity. The story is so dark and heavy that if I were in Adelaide's shoes, I wouldn't survive as long as her.

I've decided to review the three books all at once since I read it continuously for just a day. And I will refrain from giving out the plot or story for fear of ruining it for others. The mystery, the twists and turns in the story is crucial. If you haven't read this book yet, do not read the spoilers to enjoy the benefits of the mind-f*ckery that is this book. All the books were told in Adelaide's view, alternating past and present events and there is no chronological order to it. The chapters flow in and out, confusing us where one begins and when one ends. I believe book 2 is like the prequel to book 1 and book 3 happened right after book 1.

I also learned that the author is cooking up another series. With this new series in Aurora's view I think more questions that we have guesses to will be confirmed. Some of the questions I have where not answered solidly but was told in a fade to black way which leaves us all guessing and having our own assumptions. It was nice though and it added to the mystery of the story and I'm glad that it's not a case of a nasty cliffhanger.

This book is highly recommended as the story it is unique and totally brilliant. If you want mystery, angst, sadness and a bit of eroticism that's not detailed, this book is for you. It will mess with your head, it will pinch you heart and it will give you the thrill. But given all these I'm still left wanting to know more. This book is totally worth reading, I admit I was captivated by the series initially because of the pretty covers, but this book is pretty inside and out and it cuts through your heart. I love it. I can't wait to read Aurora's story.

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