Friday, November 1, 2013

Love Square - Jessica Ingro

“Why is it that married people wish they could live it up like single people, while single people are so desperate to be married? I guess it’s the typical cliché that the grass is always greener.”

Wow. This is a great book. This is the first book I’ve read from Jessica Ingro and I loved it. This is the first book in the Love Square series.

This is a story of marriage, cheating and finding true love.

Told majority in Sam’s view, at first I didn't feel any connection. I didn't feel her connection with Aiden, her husband but I felt the strain in their relationship. I felt Sam’s pain. I felt sad for their flailing marriage. There was resentment, failure and lack of communication in their marriage.

I felt Sam's pain and disappointment when Aiden blew her off, when he was distant and aloof and when he doesn't show any feelings to her. Then I was so perplexed when he suddenly wanted her again. Oh and let’s not forget that Aiden is also hot in bed. He may not be as adventurous as Jacob but he is definitely hot in his own right. My heart cried for him when s**t happened. I felt his pain, his love and his heartbreak. To accept after all that happened is so crushing and so brave. And what he did for Sam despite being sinister is brilliant and I loved him for it.

“All I want to do is make you happy. You really are my everything. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” - Aiden

When Sam started her flirting with Jacob I felt it went too fast. There wasn't any build-up of connection. They didn't really think about consequences of their actions. I really felt that Jacob was insincere like they were just f**k buddies. But the sex is 100% hotness. And the cop fantasy is so right up the hotness and erotic alley! And then somewhere along the way I felt that he really does love Sam. My heart breaks for him when she repeatedly tries to end what they have.

“Do you have any idea what it feels like to be absolutely crazy about someone and have them treat you like garbage most of the time? Do you?” -Jacob

I was really frustrated with Sam for her indecisiveness but I couldn't really blame her. Two hot guys oh man. Though I can't seem to feel sympathetic to her, I still felt her pain. It also felt weird because knowing her and Jacob’s history in high school I thought she wouldn't fall for his tricks again. But then she still finds herself begging his attention. I couldn't believe her actions when she reached rock bottom but it had to happen. It was poignant and that’s where I felt she needs help. She’s broken and she needed someone to smack sense to her. And when she eventually realized her actions she redeemed herself and I learned to like her.

“I love you, alright! I love you! And that makes me a horrible person because I love him too! I have no idea what I’m doing anymore. Sometimes I imagine what it would be like if I just walked away from it all and made a life with you. But I can’t leave him! I just can’t!” - Sam

The words in the book are beautifully written, both heart breaking yet makes you feel being in love at the same time. It’s bittersweet. The writing also showed how Sam was talking directly to the readers. There is was no cliffhanger and I loved the Aiden POV at the Epilogue.

This book is highly recommended to those who love reading about marriage issues. This reminded me of Arsen but messier and despicable. But I loved it. And I must warn that there is cheating in the story and so read with caution. It's the perfect blend of angst and eroticism.

“I’m not proud of the way I’ve acted or the way we treated each other during that dark period in our marriage. All I can say is we took each other for granted. A marriage takes work and must constantly be nurtured. It’s so easy to forget that and get stuck in the day to day rigors of life.”

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