Sunday, October 6, 2013

Tender Mercies - Kitty Thomas

“You may get me to say the word, but know this, you will never truly own me. That right belongs to my real master. You may take his symbol off my hip, but there will always be a scar that reminds us both what was there. And you might take his collar off my throat, but you'll never erase his name from my soul.”

This book is written for fantasy purposes. This is about escaping real life, submission, degradation, bondage and the likes. Told in alternating POV of Grace and Asher. 

The story is not part of the typical issues in real life, and deals with unappealing subject matter. There are parts that are hard to accept and fathom. There were also those that you would find incredulous.

Though Asher is not the usual swoon worthy alpha male because his kink is rather hard to accept, the author was able to make the readers like him, if not love him despite it.

Also, despite Grace's stupidity, I still liked her because of her resilience. I felt for her when she lost her self-worth. I found it rather repetitive when she chastises herself for her inability to submit to Asher in the beginning, but it was still acceptable because of what happened to her with Lucas.

It was a nice story, not really short but was able to finish it in a day. It would have been good if the author gave a short insight on how these three characters developed their kink, but then it wouldn't set it apart from other BDSM stories. This was different because it felt like an erotic fantasy on the characters and not just kink driven by past issues. The fantasy also worked because the hero was affluent and not the typical joe.

This book is recommended to those who want to escape the angst for a while and delve into lust filled fantasy. Kitty Thomas is one of the go to authors for short BDSM stories.

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