Saturday, October 26, 2013

Making Faces - Amy Harmon

“If God made all our faces, did he laugh when he made me?

Does he make the legs that cannot walk and eyes that cannot see?
Does he curl the hair upon my head 'til it rebels in wild defiance?
Does he close the ears of a deaf man to make him more reliant?
Is the way I look a coincidence or just a twist of fate?
If he made me this way, is it okay, to blame him for the things I hate?
For the flaws that seem to worsen every time I see a mirror, for the ugliness I see in me, for the loathing and the fear.
Does he sculpt us for his pleasure, for a reason I can't see?
If God makes all our faces, did he laugh when he made me?” 

This is a beautiful story about friendship, loss, death, trust, love and finding oneself.

Narrated in third person views of Fern, Bailey and Ambrose, alternating situations of past to present.

It tells us about how 2 broken people found love and how both of them help and heal each other. We get to understand the mind of a sick person just waiting to die. We get to understand the mind of a girl with ugly girl syndrome. More importantly, we get to understand the mind of a man who thinks he has the world within his reach when suddenly it was taken all away.

This is a nice and refreshing story. This leaves us with lessons of not taking for granted the life that we have and to make it worthwhile and to value friendships.

I liked how it was written in such a way that we get the inside thoughts in three perspectives.

This is recommended to those who love light stories with heavy subject matter.

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