Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Found In You - Laurelin Paige

"Certainly even people like us—people who had been so broken that we destroyed others around us—deserved happiness of our own. We didn’t have to spend our entire existence making up for our mistakes. Did we?"

This is book 2 and the continuation of Laurelin Paige's Fixed series. 

Just when we thought that Hudson and Alayna's story is at a good place suddenly things became unbearable. I had to stop at 50% because i couldn't take the angst. I got frustrated with the characters. I wanted to strangle and shake them to wake up.
Anyways, this is a story about two broken souls trying to heal each other and making it work. I loved them since book 1, their funny banters and their interactions. Of course the hot scenes are not far behind.

I was shocked at the extent of Laynie's obsessive past. And I was equally shocked to know the extent of Hudson's sociopath tendencies. 

I loved Alayna (Laynie) in book 1, I still do but I got really frustrated with her. I wanted to stop her from spilling her secrets to the wrong person. Her being upfront was used against her. I was also disappointed in her for keeping secrets. I thought she was better than that. I didn't like the secrets. She became dramatic and insecure. She tends to over analyze. she doesn't know how to deal with her feelings hence, she overreacts. Even when Hudson was looking out for her she even got mad and unreasonable. I'm also got tired of her running away and her throwing his past in his face when they disagree. Despite this, I enjoyed her scenes with Sophia. It was funny and witty.

The same goes for Hudson for still keeping some things from Laynie. But I understood his point for not wanting her to know the details of his past. But I loved him for what he did for Jack. And i love him even if he couldn't say it i can feel his love for Laynie.

As for Celia, from the very start I already wanted to strangle her. I really believed she is a manipulative bitch. There's so many characters that riled me up and I wanted to smack all of them.

I loved Mira and Jack though. Very supportive and funny. After the 50% mark, I didn't think more secrets will be uncovered and boy i was so wrong. I didn't see it coming. More secrets, true personalities and motives are revealed.  

In summary both of them have kept secrets that almost ruined their relationship. Both struggling with trust, doubts and fears. Hopefully in book 3 they let go of all of these. The ending is not a cliffhanger and they are in a pretty good place. 

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