Tuesday, October 22, 2013

In the Fields - Willow Aster

I will hold your hand
Dance in the sand
With our favorite band.
I will steal a kiss
Little miss,
It will be bliss.
I will shout that you’re mine,
Till the end of time.

Beautiful and heartfelt story of love unaccepted by society, a love tested through time and a love so strong no matter how long and how far, the intensity is always there.

From the very first line of this book I already know that this will bring me ugly tears. And it so did!
I loved both the hero and heroine Isaiah and Caroline. I love them for their strength, resilience, their ability to forgive and their mature way of accepting whatever life throws them. With every chapter I read, my love for them grows, with every chapter I read, my tears fall for them as well.

Despite their young age, I truly felt their love for each other. This is true love at its purest form. Love not marred by sexual needs or requirement. Love that started out as friends and grows despite not being openly together.

My heart broke for both of them when society pushed them apart. My heart broke for them when the cruel thing happened. My heart broke for them that because of her irresponsible parents, they were forced apart. I felt the pain, the unfairness and the anger.

I cannot imagine how I hated Caroline’s parents. Especially her mother where until the very end there was no remorse on what she did to her daughter. 

I also loved the secondary characters such as Papa, Sadie, Ruby and Davis. Gracie is such an angel as well. Because of them, they make us remember that there are still good people everywhere. It makes you hopeful that you will meet one like them when you least expect it. 

This book gives us hope that someday and somehow, something good is going happen to no matter the obstacles may be.

This book is highly recommended. From the first line of the story I was hooked. It was also the same case when I read the author’s first book (True Love Story), from the very first line I could not put it down. I also loved the little title chapters and though it is mostly told in Caroline’s view, there are also chapters in Isaiah’s view. The story was slow paced during the first half which made me feel the connection of the main characters. The second half where a bit fast paced and I wished the author could have maintained the pacing so we have more pages and pages of the book. I wanted more! This story will be attached to my heart for a very long time. I love it. 

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