Thursday, January 23, 2014

Book Review: Come To Me Quietly - A.L. Jackson

“Loving someone is one of the biggest chances we ever take. Maybe the most unfair part of it is that it’s rarely a conscious decision we’ve made. It’s something that blossoms slow or hits us hard, something that stirs and builds gradually, or something that shocks us with its sudden intensity. And sometimes it’s something that’s been a part of us our entire lives. But almost always, it’s inevitable.”

The queen of angst has done it again! This is a beautifully written story about childhood friends, Jared and Aly. The story was told in alternating views of Jared and Aly, tackling scenes of past and present. This is one of the few books where I fell in love with the heroine instead of the hero. I really loved Aly, I loved her outlook, her attitude, her patience and her way in handling things, but most especially I loved her heart. She is a really beautiful character. I loved how she handled the very troubled Jared. My heart both bled and was surrounded by love for her. I strongly felt her love for Jared. 

I also liked Jared but I kind of feel frustrated because he was a coward for not fighting for what he feels. He isn’t healed yet and I am really looking forward to more books on this two characters. I also loved the connection of Christopher and Jared; I felt their love for each other. 

Sorry for repeatedly stating love in my review, because I really loved everything in this book. I literally couldn’t put it down; it was consuming my every waking moment. This book captures your heart. I loved how the characters and their connection was build up, though the pacing is slow, it was how the connection is felt. There weren’t even detailed love scenes yet the love and the devotion of Aly and Jared is truly palpable.

I also want to gush about how the author’s writing improved in this book. I recently read one of her earlier books, though both are heart wrenching and full of angst, this book didn’t feel like the story was stretched just to prolong the agony. The writing was seamless and it didn’t feel dragged. This book will stay in my heart for quite a while. I cannot wait to read the next book in this series.

This is highly recommended to those who love stories of friendships that eventually lead to love. 5 stars!!!

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