Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Will - Kristen Ashely

“Small-minded fools are everywhere and those with the courage to be who they are often have to suffer them.” 

“It’s never too late to reach for happiness and no matter what life has done to you, it’s never too late to find it.” 

Took me a long time to finish the book as I started it on the way to my annual vacation, then I got caught up with work so I wasn’t able to write a review. I feel bad because I should’ve written it sooner so I could’ve given the book justice. It was so worth it. 

I loved the characters and the hero and heroine. The heroine may be uptight at first but she changed halfway through and I learned to love her. Jake is totally swoon-worthy, the perfect alpha-male-father figure. I loved all the kids. All throughout the book, I felt a sense of peace and contentment. I loved how the story was not so angst ridden, there were some, but it was perfect and realistic to the story. 

This is the second book I’ve read of Kristen Ashley and I must say that this will not be the last and I’m excited to read more from her. I’m loving her style of writing about alpha male characters and swoon worthy scenes. Her love scenes are not dirty and not too detailed. Her stories are realistic but dreamy at the same time. I like that there’s a tinge of angst but not too heavy. And most of all the stories are not shortchanged and are well played out. 

I cannot wait for the next book in this series. I’m not sure who’s it’s going to be but since I like all the primary and secondary characters I will definitely wait for it. I’m guessing it’s going to be Alyssa and Junior or Henry or Amond’s story or perhaps an older Con and Sofie.

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