Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Wild Side - R.K. Lilley

Oh wow! R.K. Lilley did it again. This book is not just another erotic story that doesn't have depth. This book is not the shallow erotic type. It has lots of inside story and complex characters that you will learn to love.

This book is an erotic, arousing yet romantic and heartfelt story of an older-mature guy and a young-mysterious woman. He is a recluse, while she is a social butterfly. He is cynical, while she is idealistic. He is a writer, while she is a reader. He's in his 40's, while she's in her early twenties. This is a story of how opposite's attract.

"She was young.  I was old.  
She was wild.  I was tame.  
What on earth were we doing here? 
How the hell would we ever fit into each other’s lives?  
The answer was simple and bleak."

Though the story is just short and fast paced, I felt the attraction between Dair and Iris. I loved Dair and the way Iris describes him makes it easy to assume that he's the older but still oh so hot type. He has a great body, a brilliant mind, an awesome voice and mostly a beautiful heart. Yet he doesn't know it. His self esteem is nonexistent. What with all that happened to him and how others treated him.

I also loved Iris. I felt for her. I feel her. I felt her heart break. She is mysterious yet you can relate to her. We don't get to read much about her mysterious life in this book, but hopefully in the sequel we get to know her.

I must really commend the author because not all can write effectively in another gender. She was able to convey the male point of view, Dair's view in an interesting and refreshing manner.

"Inside of every man lived an asshole, and that asshole had a strong dose of ‘I don’t give a damn.’ While the asshole inside of me was obviously alive and healthy, all of his doses of I don’t give a damn had clearly worn off. Instead, in its place, I felt.  I missed.  I craved.  I yearned."

This is the first book in The Wild Side series. Book 2 - Iris is coming out June 2014, while the next book Dair will be out on July 2014. I can't wait to read the sequel to Dair and Iris' story.

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